Streaming responses with Guile's web modules
Roel Janssen
2018-09-18 19:42:31 UTC
Dear Guilers,

I'd like to implement a web server using the (web server) module, but
allow for “streaming” results. The way I image this would look like,
is something like this:

(define (request-handler request body)
(values '((content-type . (text/plain)))
;; This function can build its response by writing to
;; ‘port’, rather than to return the whole body as a
;; string.
(lambda (port)
(format port "Hello world!"))))

(run-server request-handler)

Is this possible with the (web server) module? If so, how?
If not, what would be a good starting point to implement this?

Kind regards,
Roel Janssen
Amirouche Boubekki
2018-09-18 20:08:50 UTC
Post by Roel Janssen
Dear Guilers,
I'd like to implement a web server using the (web server) module, but
allow for “streaming” results. The way I imagine this would look like,
(define (request-handler request body)
(values '((content-type . (text/plain)))
;; This function can build its response by writing to
;; ‘port’, rather than to return the whole body as a
;; string.
(lambda (port)
(format port "Hello world!"))))
(run-server request-handler)
Is this possible with the (web server) module? If so, how?
What you describe is exactly how it works. The second value can
be a bytevector, #f or a procedure that takes a port as argument.

Here is an example use [0] and here is the code [1]


Amirouche ~ amz3 ~ http://www.hyperdev.fr
Roel Janssen
2018-09-19 08:47:04 UTC
Post by Amirouche Boubekki
Post by Roel Janssen
Dear Guilers,
I'd like to implement a web server using the (web server) module, but
allow for “streaming” results. The way I imagine this would look like,
(define (request-handler request body)
(values '((content-type . (text/plain)))
;; This function can build its response by writing to
;; ‘port’, rather than to return the whole body as a
;; string.
(lambda (port)
(format port "Hello world!"))))
(run-server request-handler)
Is this possible with the (web server) module? If so, how?
What you describe is exactly how it works. The second value can
be a bytevector, #f or a procedure that takes a port as argument.
Here is an example use [0] and here is the code [1]
Thanks for your quick and elaborate reply! I didn't realize that in
writing the example I had written a working example.

Looking at memory usage, it looks as if it puts all bytes produced by
that function into memory at once before sending the HTTP response over
the network. Is that observation correct? If so, can it be avoided?

Kind regards,
Roel Janssen
Roel Janssen
2018-09-19 15:50:20 UTC
Post by Roel Janssen
Post by Amirouche Boubekki
Post by Roel Janssen
Dear Guilers,
I'd like to implement a web server using the (web server) module, but
allow for “streaming” results. The way I imagine this would look like,
(define (request-handler request body)
(values '((content-type . (text/plain)))
;; This function can build its response by writing to
;; ‘port’, rather than to return the whole body as a
;; string.
(lambda (port)
(format port "Hello world!"))))
(run-server request-handler)
Is this possible with the (web server) module? If so, how?
What you describe is exactly how it works. The second value can
be a bytevector, #f or a procedure that takes a port as argument.
Here is an example use [0] and here is the code [1]
Thanks for your quick and elaborate reply! I didn't realize that in
writing the example I had written a working example.
Looking at memory usage, it looks as if it puts all bytes produced by
that function into memory at once before sending the HTTP response over
the network. Is that observation correct? If so, can it be avoided?
As an addition to the above, here's an example implementation:

(use-modules (web server)
(web request)
(web response)
(web http)
(ice-9 receive)
(ice-9 rdelim))

(define (process-input input-port output-port)
(unless (or (port-closed? input-port)
(port-closed? output-port))
(let ((line (read-line input-port)))
(if (eof-object? line)
(close-port input-port)
(format output-port "~a~%" line)
(process-input input-port output-port))))))

(define (request-handler request body)
(values '((content-type . (text/plain))
(transfer-encoding . ((chunked))))
(lambda (port)
(call-with-input-file "large-file.txt"
(lambda (input-port) (process-input input-port port))))))

(run-server request-handler)

In the example, “large-file.txt” is a file of a few gigabytes, and the
Guile process grows to a few gigabytes as well.

Kind regards,
Roel Janssen
Roel Janssen
2018-09-22 13:54:43 UTC
Post by Roel Janssen
Post by Amirouche Boubekki
Post by Roel Janssen
Dear Guilers,
I'd like to implement a web server using the (web server) module, but
allow for “streaming” results. The way I imagine this would look like,
(define (request-handler request body)
(values '((content-type . (text/plain)))
;; This function can build its response by writing to
;; ‘port’, rather than to return the whole body as a
;; string.
(lambda (port)
(format port "Hello world!"))))
(run-server request-handler)
Is this possible with the (web server) module? If so, how?
What you describe is exactly how it works. The second value can
be a bytevector, #f or a procedure that takes a port as argument.
Here is an example use [0] and here is the code [1]
Thanks for your quick and elaborate reply! I didn't realize that in
writing the example I had written a working example.
Looking at memory usage, it looks as if it puts all bytes produced by
that function into memory at once before sending the HTTP response over
the network. Is that observation correct? If so, can it be avoided?
I implemented a proof-of-concept "chunked" transfer that does not
consume too much memory. It's hacky because it (mis)uses a bytevector to
pass the input-port for a file to the new 'http-write' function. It
also ignores any header field set when serving the large response.

The next (and hopefully final) question: Can I combine this with
'run-server' from Fibers?

Here's the code:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(use-modules (web server)
(web request)
(web response)
(web http)
(web uri)
(ice-9 format)
(ice-9 match)
(ice-9 receive)
(ice-9 rdelim)
(ice-9 iconv)
(ice-9 binary-ports)
(rnrs bytevectors))

(define original-http-write
(@@ (web server http) http-write))

(define (write-buffer-to-client client input-port buffer-size)
(let* ((buffer (get-bytevector-n input-port buffer-size))
(buffer-length (if (eof-object? buffer) 0 (bytevector-length buffer)))
(end (string->utf8 "\r\n")))
(when (> buffer-length 0)
(put-bytevector client (string->utf8 (format #f "~x\r\n" buffer-length)))
(put-bytevector client buffer)
(put-bytevector client end)
(force-output client))
(when (= buffer-length buffer-size)
(write-buffer-to-client client input-port buffer-size))))

(define (new-http-write server client response body)
"Allow sending raw HTTP so we can serve large responses with little memory."
(match (response-transfer-encoding response)
[('(chunked) . _)
(let ((input-port (fdes->inport (string->number (utf8->string body))))
(buffer-size (expt 2 13)))
(setvbuf input-port 'block buffer-size)
(setvbuf client 'block (+ buffer-size 6))

;; Write the HTTP header.
(for-each (lambda (line) (put-bytevector client (string->utf8 line)))
'("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8\r\n"
"Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n"))

;; Write the file contents.
(write-buffer-to-client client input-port buffer-size)

;; End the stream.
(put-bytevector client (string->utf8 "0\r\n\r\n"))
(close-port client))]
[_ (original-http-write server client response body)]))

(define-server-impl concurrent-http-server
(@@ (web server http) http-open)
(@@ (web server http) http-read)
(@@ (web server http) http-close))

(define (process-input input-port output-port)
(unless (or (port-closed? input-port)
(port-closed? output-port))
(let ((line (read-line input-port)))
(if (eof-object? line)
(close-port input-port)
(put-bytevector output-port (string->bytevector line "UTF-8"))
(force-output output-port)
(process-input input-port output-port))))))

(define (request-handler request body)
(if (string-prefix? "/large-file-request" (uri-path (request-uri request)))
(let* ((input-port (open-file "large-file.txt" "r"))
(bv-handle (string->utf8 (number->string (fileno input-port)))))
(values '((transfer-encoding . ((chunked))))
(values '((content-type . (text/plain)))
(lambda (port)
(setvbuf port 'block (expt 2 20))
(call-with-input-file "small-file.txt"
(lambda (input-port) (process-input input-port port)))))))

(run-server request-handler concurrent-http-server)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Kind regards,
Roel Janssen
Ludovic Courtès
2018-09-23 13:20:08 UTC
Hi Roel,
Post by Roel Janssen
I'd like to implement a web server using the (web server) module, but
allow for “streaming” results. The way I image this would look like,
(define (request-handler request body)
(values '((content-type . (text/plain)))
;; This function can build its response by writing to
;; ‘port’, rather than to return the whole body as a
;; string.
(lambda (port)
(format port "Hello world!"))))
(run-server request-handler)
Is this possible with the (web server) module? If so, how?
If not, what would be a good starting point to implement this?
As discussed on IRC a few days ago, this is not really possible. ‘guix
publish’ works around it by providing a custom implementation of the
‘write’ method of the HTTP server and having handlers provide a “fake”
body to be interpreted by this ‘write’ implementation:


I reported this limitation of (web server) at

