#guile on irc
Matt Wette
2017-08-17 12:57:08 UTC
Hi All,

I arrived at my computer this morning to see I was banned from freenode.
This was due to spam, which I did not do. If there was spam coming from my
nickname I know nothing of it. I apologize if I let my computer get hacked in
some way, but I don’t believe that is the source.There was no record of spam
on my client (emacs erc).

Craig Maloney
2017-08-17 13:26:16 UTC
Post by Matt Wette
Hi All,
I arrived at my computer this morning to see I was banned from freenode.
This was due to spam, which I did not do. If there was spam coming from my
nickname I know nothing of it. I apologize if I let my computer get hacked in
some way, but I don’t believe that is the source.There was no record of spam
on my client (emacs erc).
There was an issue on freenode related to spambots:

02:39:26 freenode -- kline (~***@freenode/staff/enucs.kline): [global
notice] Hi there: freenode is experiencing a large quantity
of spam. If you receive links from users you don't recognise, please do
not open them. If you are affected, please set usermode +R
to block messages from unidentified users.

02:40:10 freenode -- kline (~***@freenode/staff/enucs.kline): [global
notice] Additionally, while working to minimise this spam,
staff error led to the majority of the network receiving a temporary
K-Line (network ban). The ban has since been lifted and those
affected should be able to reconnect. Please accept our apologies, and
contact us if you, or someone you know, still cannot connect.

06:22:48 freenode -- christel
(***@freenode/staff/exherbo.christel): [Global Notice] In light of
the wave of spambots sending
links to child pornography images, we have chosen to update our default
umodes to include +R (blocking messages from unregistered
users). To allow such messages, /mode yournick -R. Apologies for the
disruption and the inconvenience.

Hope this clarifies what happened.

Craig Maloney (***@decafbad.net) http://decafbad.net
Matt Wette
2017-08-19 13:18:52 UTC
Post by Craig Maloney
Post by Matt Wette
Hi All,
I arrived at my computer this morning to see I was banned from freenode.
This was due to spam, which I did not do. If there was spam coming from my
nickname I know nothing of it. I apologize if I let my computer get hacked in
some way, but I don’t believe that is the source.There was no record of spam
on my client (emacs erc).
notice] Hi there: freenode is experiencing a large quantity
of spam. If you receive links from users you don't recognise, please do
not open them. If you are affected, please set usermode +R
to block messages from unidentified users.
notice] Additionally, while working to minimise this spam,
staff error led to the majority of the network receiving a temporary
K-Line (network ban). The ban has since been lifted and those
affected should be able to reconnect. Please accept our apologies, and
contact us if you, or someone you know, still cannot connect.
06:22:48 freenode -- christel
the wave of spambots sending
links to child pornography images, we have chosen to update our default
umodes to include +R (blocking messages from unregistered
users). To allow such messages, /mode yournick -R. Apologies for the
disruption and the inconvenience.
Hope this clarifies what happened.
Thanks. Operation seems back to normal now. — Matt
