guile-sdl2: What do you use instead of rectangles
2018-11-09 15:07:27 UTC

I'm reading a book about game development with SDL, and they use source
and destination rectangles for many things (using sprite sheets, tile
maps, etc.). It seems that there is no equivalent module to "SDL_rect.h"
in guile-sdl2. What do you use instead of rectangles?

Thompson, David
2018-11-09 15:40:41 UTC
Hey sirgazil!
Post by sirgazil
I'm reading a book about game development with SDL, and they use source
and destination rectangles for many things (using sprite sheets, tile
maps, etc.). It seems that there is no equivalent module to "SDL_rect.h"
in guile-sdl2. What do you use instead of rectangles?
Ah, yes. The reason why the functions declared in SDL_rect.h haven't
been wrapped in guile-sdl2 is because I use OpenGL for all rendering
and haven't needed them. I only use SDL2 for input device and window
management. Saves me a lot of work in that regard!

I would gladly accept a patch that wrapped the SDL_rect API. :)

Hope this helps,

- Dave
2018-11-09 16:54:08 UTC
Post by Thompson, David
Hey sirgazil!
Post by sirgazil
I'm reading a book about game development with SDL, and they use source
and destination rectangles for many things (using sprite sheets, tile
maps, etc.). It seems that there is no equivalent module to "SDL_rect.h"
in guile-sdl2. What do you use instead of rectangles?
Ah, yes. The reason why the functions declared in SDL_rect.h haven't
been wrapped in guile-sdl2 is because I use OpenGL for all rendering
and haven't needed them. I only use SDL2 for input device and window
management. Saves me a lot of work in that regard!
Unfortunately, OpenGL is broken for me :(
Post by Thompson, David
I would gladly accept a patch that wrapped the SDL_rect API. :)
I'll wait for that patch, because I don't know how to do that :)
Post by Thompson, David
Hope this helps,
Thanks, Dave.
