2018-08-26 20:54:03 UTC
It depends on how haunt package definition is written. Because of how guix
works, you can use a program that uses guile without having 'guile' command
available. Similarly, it makes it possible to run two programs at the same
time that depends on different versions of the same library.. that's
somethingworks, you can use a program that uses guile without having 'guile' command
available. Similarly, it makes it possible to run two programs at the same
time that depends on different versions of the same library.. that's
that is very difficult to do outside guix and nix. It's one of the
consequencesof packaging is done. This leads to the point that in theory, you SHOULD
neverinstall _libraries_ in your user profile ie. the regular / default profile
becauseno executable will use it. Default guix profile, SHOULD, I THINK, only
contain data and executables.
I see. So if I want to work on some software that uses a particular library Icontain data and executables.
could install that library into a custom profile, enter that profile and do my
That is not a good example use of hacking on a guile project because
guix is using
it's own version of guile which might be different from the version of
guile you
installed in your profile... again because functional packaging. If you
want to
hack on guix follow the README that you can find in guix git repository
at [1]
[1] git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
I did not know that Guix includes its own Guile, I thought it used the Guileguix is using
it's own version of guile which might be different from the version of
guile you
installed in your profile... again because functional packaging. If you
want to
hack on guix follow the README that you can find in guix git repository
at [1]
[1] git clone https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/guix.git
that's on the system.