Matt Wette
2018-03-14 00:13:19 UTC
Hi All,
I am working on a ffi-helper (FH): a program that will read in a C dot-h file
and generate a Guile dot-scm file which defines a module to provide hooks into
the associated C library.
Lately I've been working to clean up user-level APIs. A recoded demo of the GTK+
Hello World example is shown below. This is based on 100% guile wrappers to the
loaded C libraries for gtk+, gobject, pango and glib.. The comments with the
(use-modules (ffi xxx)) lines below indicate the line-counts for the associated
ffi file and its auto-generated scm file.
If you `git clone -b c99dev git://' you will find
the demo in examples/nyacc/lang/c99/ffi-exam/. Read the ffi-helper section of the
HACKING file for hints to run the demo. Caveat: Up until a few months ago I was
developing on MacOS; I am now on Ubuntu.
;; gtkdemo.scm
(use-modules (system ffi-help-rt))
(use-modules (bytestructures guile))
(use-modules (ffi glib)) ; ffi:31 scm:31889
(use-modules (ffi gobject)) ; ffi:26 scm:12044
(use-modules (ffi gtk2+)) ; ffi:26 scm:92964
;; This will generate a FFI code wrapper around the lambda. Then below
;; we use (fh-cast GCallback hello) to match the argument signature.
(define hello
(lambda (widget data)
(display "Hello world!\n"))))
(define (delete-event widget event data)
(display "delete event occurred\n")
(define (main)
(define window #f)
(define button #f)
(define argc (bytestructure int 0))
(gtk_init (pointer-to argc) NULL)
(set! window (gtk_window_new 'GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL))
(g_signal_connect window "delete-event" delete-event NULL)
(g_signal_connect window "destroy" ~gtk_main_quit NULL)
(gtk_container_set_border_width window 10)
(set! button (gtk_button_new_with_label "Hello World"))
(g_signal_connect button "clicked" (fh-cast GCallback hello) NULL)
(g_signal_connect_swapped button "clicked" ~gtk_widget_destroy window)
(gtk_container_add window button)
(gtk_widget_show button)
(gtk_widget_show window)
;; --- last line ---
I am working on a ffi-helper (FH): a program that will read in a C dot-h file
and generate a Guile dot-scm file which defines a module to provide hooks into
the associated C library.
Lately I've been working to clean up user-level APIs. A recoded demo of the GTK+
Hello World example is shown below. This is based on 100% guile wrappers to the
loaded C libraries for gtk+, gobject, pango and glib.. The comments with the
(use-modules (ffi xxx)) lines below indicate the line-counts for the associated
ffi file and its auto-generated scm file.
If you `git clone -b c99dev git://' you will find
the demo in examples/nyacc/lang/c99/ffi-exam/. Read the ffi-helper section of the
HACKING file for hints to run the demo. Caveat: Up until a few months ago I was
developing on MacOS; I am now on Ubuntu.
;; gtkdemo.scm
(use-modules (system ffi-help-rt))
(use-modules (bytestructures guile))
(use-modules (ffi glib)) ; ffi:31 scm:31889
(use-modules (ffi gobject)) ; ffi:26 scm:12044
(use-modules (ffi gtk2+)) ; ffi:26 scm:92964
;; This will generate a FFI code wrapper around the lambda. Then below
;; we use (fh-cast GCallback hello) to match the argument signature.
(define hello
(lambda (widget data)
(display "Hello world!\n"))))
(define (delete-event widget event data)
(display "delete event occurred\n")
(define (main)
(define window #f)
(define button #f)
(define argc (bytestructure int 0))
(gtk_init (pointer-to argc) NULL)
(set! window (gtk_window_new 'GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL))
(g_signal_connect window "delete-event" delete-event NULL)
(g_signal_connect window "destroy" ~gtk_main_quit NULL)
(gtk_container_set_border_width window 10)
(set! button (gtk_button_new_with_label "Hello World"))
(g_signal_connect button "clicked" (fh-cast GCallback hello) NULL)
(g_signal_connect_swapped button "clicked" ~gtk_widget_destroy window)
(gtk_container_add window button)
(gtk_widget_show button)
(gtk_widget_show window)
;; --- last line ---